Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Just Easy

You are such an easy relaxed long as I remember your dummy when we are out. Wherever we go you are happy to just chill in the pram and have a sleep or keep an eye what's going on around you. You hardly make a fuss, you are such a blessing.


Auron loves loves loves superheroes, and he has made sure to get you in on them as soon as possible. First it was putting Ironman's mask on you and calling you "Ironbaby" and then he begged me to buy you Superman PJ's from Big W so you could be Superbaby.


Yey! You are finally smiling. We all love trying to get you to crack a smile. It's so cute, you're just delicious!!!!!!!! It's even better when you throw in a good giggle to really get us excited. I can't believe how fast you r are growing up, I love being able to have proper squishy cuddles with you now that you aren't an awkward squirmy alien.